How to Be More Productive (Mindset Shift)

Amanda Myers
3 min readFeb 3, 2021
This image shows someone typing on what appears to be a macbook. It illustrates productivity.

We have all become personal friends with the procrastination monster from time to time. He often pops up when we have something truly important to do to remind us about all the other wonderful things we could be doing at that very moment. Perhaps you are procrastinating by reading this very piece of writing now. So I will try to be as brief as possible with my quick tips.

1. Change the way you think about doing work

My very brilliant workaholic of a partner ever so often likes to muse about what is truly considered fun. We think of video games or playing sports as fun but these can be strenuous activities that require critical thinking skills and physical fitness respectively. Even something like watching a TV show can be stressful depending on the genre. Certain TV shows have on occasion triggered my anxiety. If we can consider these things fun then why does work or school seem so boring? It could likely just be our perception. We simply think it is not fun and so it seems even more daunting to us.

2. Consider that procrastination is much more painful than doing the work

Think about it. When you procrastinate the things you need to do stand over your shoulder and watch you like a hawk. It is almost like an ever-present threat looming over your head, your mind constantly shifts to the task you should be doing. That TV show is much less fun, you rush through the video game quest or that conversation with a loved one. Little pangs visit you from time to time when you see the clock winding down to the due date. You are tense and you aren’t enjoying anything. Just imagine how much more free you will feel doing these same things when you have ticked off everything on your to-do list.

3. No, you won’t somehow be smarter later on

Okay, this is a direct response to the lies Mr Procrastination Monster likes to feed us when we put things off. We think that somehow future us will know more than the present us. First of all, that is not going to happen unless we are engaging the content. Second, you will be smarter if you do the work now and re-read it a few days or a day later with fresh eyes. You will be able to cross your T’s and dot your I’s like the superstar you are.

4. Oh the sweet bragging rights that come with finishing on time 🤣

I chuckled at this caption as the ego-stroking memories come back to me. I recall an entrance exam I did for high school in elementary school. I topped my entire grade for the exam and got into my dream school. What did 12 year old me do the days leading up to the exams? I watched cartoons ^_^. Yes, I had studied for that exam for a full year leading up to it and could recite the books back to you. As a serial procrastinator between high school and college, I did not enjoy this luxury until the last year of my degree. There is this tinge of pride that comes with hearing your classmates scramble to finish an assignment and getting to beam with pride when they ask why you seem so relaxed.

5. Don’t become paralyzed by fear

You can get paralysis from thinking about something important you need to do. You will mull over important points and things you would like to do 100 times. While you do this the clock will run and you will lose precious time during which you could execute your vision. Of course, you want to plan things carefully but do not get lost in thought. Don’t let thinking paralyze you. Get up as soon as the thought comes and at least start making minor steps towards getting the task done. Mel Robbins’ 5-second rule trick is particularly helpful. Your brain is programmed to conserve as much energy as possible. So once you get that thought move before your brain convinces you otherwise.

Now that you have read about the mindset shift lookout for my next article on best practices for being more productive.

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Amanda Myers

I just write what comes to me. I am interested in productivity, personal growth and mindset shifts. Perhaps nothing I say is novel but it is a good read.